Frank Baggett & Shirley Jones;
James Baldwin & Toni Morrison;
Gaytri Spivak & Andy Warhol;
Mad Murray, the first & Madeline D. Murray;
Mr. Frenchy & Felicia Higginbotham;
Garry Owens & Jim Pardo;
Frank Baggett & Shirley Jones;
James Baldwin & Toni Morrison;
Gaytri Spivak & Andy Warhol;
Mad Murray, the first & Madeline D. Murray;
Mr. Frenchy & Felicia Higginbotham;
Garry Owens & Jim Pardo;
Sam Schnapp & Linda Goodman
plus the nightshift at Charity Hospital's Ward #11.
plus the nightshift at Charity Hospital's Ward #11.
one might think to oneself
who am I to speak
I ain't been gone yet
to see the sick darlings
(a very fortunate predicament, in my limited and biased opinion)
who Andy warned us about
15 minutes ago
who wear white
and cut
and health
and help.
practiced remedy
practiced remedy
balm, so to speak
balm, so to speak
could land on your back
from the groin to the ankle.
from the groin to the ankle.
And while in their midst
or under their care, as they like to put it,
or under their care, as they like to put it,
don't be alarmed
if you wake up
if you wake up
groggy, one morning
in pain
terrified actually
w/o your teeth
wondering out loud,
"where's my wig?"
And the small of your back
(that most private piece of human anatomy)
"where's my wig?"
And the small of your back
(that most private piece of human anatomy)
and their cold cold hand
wants to cut you open again
--just to make sure.
This time
a couple of beauties
brought to you by shiny fetishious industrial steel #10:
the first gash
a real marvel of modern medicine
from armpit to thigh;
the latest decision
even more graphic incision
from the scrotum to the jaw.
No...dem people ain't gon tell me my sign.
I already kno...'m an aries when the moon's in virgo and the sun's rising in pieces.
Sound Recording: Thick Uncut Piece #49
Sound Recording: Thick Uncut Piece #49
This work is part of the unpublished book-length project 69 Thick Uncut Pieces: Mutual Mediation on the Mythology of AIDS and HIV. This project is dedicated to The Children who don't have the wherewith all, as we did, to fight for themselves, to fight for their lives.
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